Please scroll down for the details in English.
Diwedd pennod: Mae’r system sain wedi bod mewn trwmgwsg yn ystod cyfnod COVID. Er ymddangosiad diweddar ôl-COVID, rwyf wedi penderfynu dirwyn y gwasanaeth llogi system sain i ben. Cafwyd cyfle i ddilyn y trywydd aml-gyfryngol yn ystod COVID ac rwy’n gobeithio datblygu’r gwaith yma gydag ambell brosiect personol. Diolch i bawb rwy’ wedi cydweithio gyda nhw ers 2017.
System sain safonol ag offer clyweled ar gael i gyfrannu at lwyddiant eich digwyddiad. Delfrydol ar gyfer unrhyw gyngerdd dan do, cynhadledd, lansiad, derbyniad neu briodas gyda chynulleidfa hyd at oddeutu 100. Mae’r prisiau’n rhesymol iawn gan fod llwchAV yn gwmni dielw a sefydlwyd i hyrwyddo digwyddiadau lleol yng ngogledd Ceredigion. Mae unrhyw incwm yn cael ei ail-fuddsoddi i wella'r offer sydd ar gael i chi. Am sgwrs neu i gael manylion pellach, cysylltwch â Huw Llywelyn Evans ar 07807 785346.
Mae gan llwchAV:
Brofiad eang o drefnu a gweithio offer clyweled ar gyfer digwyddiadau/cynadleddau
System sain addas ar gyfer cyngherddau artistiaid unigol, deuawdau a grwpiau gwerin, jazz neu Americana. Ymddiheuriadau, nid yw'r system yn addas ar gyfer grwpiau ag offerynnau trydanol yn bennaf neu set gan DJ.
Offer o Safon yn cynnwys:
· Uchelseinyddion - 2 Mackie SRM350 V3 (1,000 wat) am £30 y noson; Monitor - Mackie SRM350 ac AltoTX10;
· Cymysgu - Mackie DL16S (digidol) neu Allen and Heath ZEDi 10FX yn cynnwys effeithiau;
· Microffonau byw ar gyfer llais (Senheiser E935 a AKG D5), offerynnau (Beyerdynamic M201TG, AKG P170 a D40), a microffonau diwifr AKG ac Alto Pro Radius 100L ‘lapel’;
· Stand ar gyfer yr uchelseinyddion/microffonau a’r holl wifrau perthnasol;
Yswiriant Atebolrwydd Cyhoeddus hyd at £5m yr hawliad gyda chwmni Allianz – tystysgrif ar gael.
Offer clyweled ychwanegol ar gael yn cynnwys taflunydd data, stand a chliniadur ar gyfer cyfarfodydd/cynadleddau.
Gwasanaeth danfon a chasglu’r offer yn nalgylch Aberystwyth yn gynwysedig yn y pris.
End of a chapter: The sound system has been hibernating over the COVID period. Despite a recent post COVID appearance, I have decided to wind down the sound system hire work. During COVID I had the opportunity to experiment with some multi-media work and I hope to undertake some personal projects in future. A big thank you to everyone that I have co-operated with since 2017.
A quality compact indoor sound system and audio-visual equipment available to help you ensure a successful event. Ideal for concerts, conferences, launches, receptions and weddings with audiences of up to 100. llwchAV is a not for profit company, delivering value for money and was established to support local events in the north of Ceredigion. Any income is re-invested in improving the equipment available for you. To discuss your needs or for further details, please contact Huw Evans on 07807 785346.
llwchAV provides:
An operator with extensive experience of conference/events organisation and audio visual equipment.
An ideal sound system for solo and duo artists, and small folk, jazz and Americana groups. Apologies, the system is not suitable for groups featuring primarily electric instruments or DJ sets.
Quality equipment including:
· Powered speakers - 2 high quality Mackie SRM350 V3 (1,000 watts) for £30 a night; Monitors - Mackie SRM350 and an Alto TX10;
· Mixers – Mackie DL16S (Digital) or an Allen and Heath ZEDi 10FX with effects;
· Microphones for live vocals (Senheiser E935 & AKG D5) and instruments (Beyerdynamic M201TG, AKG P170 & D40). Also AKG wireless microphones and Alto Pro Radius 100L ‘lapel’ wireless microphones available;
· All speaker and microphone stands, leads and accessories included;
Public Liability Insurance to the value of £5 million per claim with Allianz – certificate available.
Additional equipment including data projector, stand and laptop available for meetings/conferences.
Door to door delivery and collection in and around Aberystwyth included in the price.